Uniwersalne, wielozadaniowe
roboty przemysłowe

Szeroka oferta
Naszym celem jest zaspokajanie różnych potrzeb klientów. Dlatego oferujemy urządzenia o zróżnicowanych funkcjach i parametrach, dostosowanych do Twoich indywidualnych celów biznesowych. W skład naszej oferty wchodzą takie rozwiązania, jak manipulatory, cele spawalnicze, roboty mobilne czy zrobotyzowane gniazda (do obsługi maszyn CNC). Przeznaczone do różnych gałęzi przemysłu, pozwolą Ci na znaczne usprawnienie działań oraz podniesienie jakości świadczonych usług.
Solutions for many industries
Regardless of what your company specializes in and what business goals you have set yourself, in our offer you will find devices that will meet your expectations. We offer innovative technologies for the metal and electronics industries, furniture manufacturers and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Check our robot's offer and learn more about their capabilities. You will find a solution perfectly suited to your needs.
News / Blog


Funding for Industry 4.0

Are you interested in funding in your company? If so, answer a few questions, we will take care of the rest! Leave us your details!...

jak działa zrobotyzowane stanowisko spawalnicze


International Welding Fair ExpoWELDING 2022

International Welding Fair ExpoWELDING 2022 The eighth edition of the International Welding Fair ExpoWELDING is behind us. Almost a hundred exhibitors presented their products and services at this year's event, and among...

przemysl 4.0


Industry 4.0 - what is it?

Industry 4.0 - what is it? Mankind has so far witnessed three major industrial revolutions that have changed our world beyond recognition and given us completely new opportunities related to many areas of...

przemysl 4.0


How are industrial robots different from other robots?

Industrial robots of various kinds are increasingly appearing in industrial halls. Depending on the tasks they are to perform, they vary in design, functionality and names. What are the differences between the various devices used in factories and when should they be used?

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